Plans, Studies and Reports
Fountain Creek has been the subject of many scientific studies and reports over the years. Several federal, state and regional agencies have completed and published data, assessments, reports and other information about water quality and quantity, flooding, erosion and sedimentation. The District has partnered with the U.S. Geological Survey and many others to develop restoration master plans or research other aspects of the creek and its tributaries.
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Compilation of US Geological Service (USGS) reports and studies on the Fountain Creek and its tributarites
Fountain Creek Hydrologic Monitoring
208 Plans
Colorado Water Plan
Colorado Statewide Management Plan
Quality Management Plan, Surface Water Monitoring and Assessment
Watershed 319, Nonpoint Source Program
Final Monument Creek Watershed Restoration Master Plan, Nov 2016, Matrix Design Group (Click download file to preview.)
Meeting agendas/notes from Upper Fountain Creek and Cheyenne Creek Watershed Coaltion, Monument Creek Watershed Restoration Master Plan stakeholder meetings.
October 15, 2015November 19, 2015NEWS RELEASE – Monument Creek Project, Phase I, Dec 2016
The Fountain Creek Corridor Master Plan establishes a revitalization concept vision for the reach of Fountain Creek between the southern Colorado Springs city-limit line and the confluence with the Arkansas River in Pueblo. The project area covers a distance of approximately 46 miles, including approximately ¼ mile on either side of the creek including, at a minimum, the 100-year floodplain.
(click here) Fountain Creek Corridor Master PlanThe master plan is intended to be used as a tool to help identify priorities, potential partners, potential funding, restoration techniques, implementation strategies, and resources. The plan defines the elements that are included in a healthy vs. unhealthy reach of the creek. It establishes a series of restoration techniques, including conservation, that are intended to be the toolbox used as part of revitalizing Fountain Creek.
Specific demonstration projects have been planned, designed and constructed using these restoration techniques. These demonstration projects are all early-action projects that are part of the overall revitalization vision. Most of these demonstration projects are the initial phase of a multiple-phase project. These projects are intended to continue being developed by the project funding partners long after this Master Plan is published.
The emphasis of this Master Plan is on implementation: what are the tools to use, where should they be used, who are the partners, and where is funding available to start a series of projects along Fountain Creek.
The goals for the plan were formulated in 2008 in a series of meetings of the Fountain Creek Vision Task Force. The plan was finalized on October 18, 2011.
In September 2016, stakeholders from the Arkansas Fountain Coalition for Urban River Evaluation (AF CURE) formed a stakeholder group with the objective of developing a watershed plan to address excess nonpoint sources of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in Fountain Creek Watershed. The Fountain Creek Watershed-Based Plan (Plan) was overseen by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), Water Quality Control Division (WQCD) Nonpoint Source Program and funded by the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority and AF CURE. The primary water quality parameter evaluated in this Plan is E. coli. To meet requirements associated with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) 9 Elements of a Watershed Plan, this Plan also identifies additional nonpoint source water quality issues in the watershed.
Watershed PlanThe Fountain Creek Watershed Flood Control and Greenway District (the District) undertook this policy evaluation project, through a grant from the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB), to encourage the implementation of applicable policy recommendations contained in the Fountain Creek Watershed Vision Task Force Strategic Plan and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Fountain Creek Watershed Study. These plans have been adopted by the District Board.
Policy Evaluation Project