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Masciantonio Trust Bank Restoration Project

Project Details

  • Bank ID Number: PC003
  • Project Channel Length: 1,500 feet
  • Total Project Cost: $2.0 Million
  • Completion: April 2018

Project Summary

Lateral channel migration along a 1,500-linear foot reach of Fountain Creek led to excessive bank erosion and subsequent agricultural land loss, as well as adverse sediment loading within, and adjacent to the boundaries of the Masciantonio Trust Property in northern Pueblo County. Matrix Design Group and Tezak Heavy Equipment, Inc. worked with the Fountain Creek Watershed, Flood Control and Greenway District to improve bank stability, reduce sediment loading, and protect agricultural property.
The final design included the construction of an earthen bankfull bench along the project reach and the installation of seven (7) bendway weirs, built with void-filled riprap with median rock size of three (3) feet. The weirs extend an average of 70 feet into the creek with an average height of two (2) feet above the thalweg and depths nine (9) feet below channel bottom. Channel and bank improvements were also made to Young Hollow Tributary. The design included a robust revegetation effort consisting of over 5,000 willow and cottonwood plantings, as well as riparian and upland seeding. The final design provides long-term bank stability, riparian habitat enhancements, and sediment reduction into Fountain Creek.