Management Plans

The Fountain Creek Corridor Master Plan establishes a revitalization concept vision for the reach of Fountain Creek between the southern Colorado Springs city-limit line and the confluence with the Arkansas River in Pueblo. The project area covers a distance of approximately 46 miles, including approximately ¼ mile on either side of the creek including, at a minimum, the 100-year floodplain.
Fountain Creek Corridor Master PlanThe master plan is intended to be used as a tool to help identify priorities, potential partners, potential funding, restoration techniques, implementation strategies, and resources. The plan defines the elements that are included in a healthy vs. unhealthy reach of the creek. It establishes a series of restoration techniques, including conservation, that are intended to be the toolbox used as part of revitalizing Fountain Creek.
Specific demonstration projects have been planned, designed and constructed using these restoration techniques. These demonstration projects are all early-action projects that are part of the overall revitalization vision. Most of these demonstration projects are the initial phase of a multiple-phase project. These projects are intended to continue being developed by the project funding partners long after this Master Plan is published.
The emphasis of this Master Plan is on implementation: what are the tools to use, where should they be used, who are the partners, and where is funding available to start a series of projects along Fountain Creek.
The goals for the plan were formulated in 2008 in a series of meetings of the Fountain Creek Vision Task Force. The plan was finalized on October 18, 2011
Analysis of water rights…(2015)FCW Policy Report…(2012)Outreach and Education…(2015)Fountain Creek Corridor Floodplain Management Opportunities Study (2019)