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Support Creek Week


2023 Creek Week Sponsor Logos
Sponsor logos

Help continue the C​​reek Week legacy with Sponsorship

Creek Week relies on the generosity of our communities to sustain this critical program. Consider supporting with a cash or in-kind donation.

Creek Week is not just a week-long clean-up. It’s a community building, smiles-on-the-faces, bigger picture, healthy ecosystems, get outside and lend a hand event. This event has been so successful due in large part to our sponsors generous cash and in-kind donations. We appreciate each and everyone of you. You have helped this event grow into the largest river clean-up in the state of Colorado!

A logo for "Creek Week 2024" with a stylized bird and water graphic.

Fiscal Support

Circular logo with mountains and river, "Trails & Open Space Coalition" text.

The Fountain Creek Watershed District is proud to partner with the Trails and Open Space Coalition - a nonprofit working to preserve open space, parks, trails, and greenways - for fiscal sponsorship. Donation can be provided by check or online by credit card.

Please mail your tax-deductible donation to:
Fountain Creek Watershed District
Attn: Creek Week
PO Box 8100
Colorado Springs, CO 80933

Checks should be made out to Trails and Open Space Coalition, with memo line: Creek Week 2024

To donate online, click on the Donate button below or visit:  Click on the Creek Week logo and follow the steps to submit payment.

Please contact FCWD's accessibility contact if you have difficulty with donation app accessibility.

 2024 Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
A table outlining sponsorship tiers and associated benefits, ranging from $100 to $5,000+.

To discuss in-kind sponsorships (gloves, bags, other materials), or if you have questions, please contact To learn more, visit our website at

 2024 Sponsorship Invitation Letter

Images from previous Creek Week cleanups